Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Supporting Refugees through Volunteering - Role of Organizations

 It is common to feel impotent or insufficient when thinking of helping refugees experiencing tremendous distress from afar. However, volunteering for organizations that provide refugee aid offers a chance to bring positive change to the lives of people who have been forced to flee their homes due to conflicts, persecution, war, or other unfavorable circumstances.

Engaging in volunteer work for a noble cause can be a rewarding experience because it involves the generous act of assisting those in need. Volunteering enables individuals to make a meaningful difference, and refugee assistance is one area that requires volunteers.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) reported that by mid-2022, the global number of refugees had reached 103 million. This figure has steadily risen over the years because of the increasing number of wars and natural disasters. Refugee aid encompasses fundamental necessities, including food, water, shelter, and medical care, as well as education, psychological support, and legal assistance.

Since the war between Russia and Ukraine broke out in February 2022, millions of people have been displaced. To date, UNHCR estimates 8 million internally displaced Ukrainians and eight million refugees. In response to this crisis, numerous humanitarian organizations, including One Box for Ukraine and Drapen i Havet (A Drop in the Ocean), have intervened to alleviate the refugee situation in Ukraine.

In May 2022, Boyd Byelich established One Box for Ukraine as a response to the ongoing war in the country. Byelich is deeply committed to providing relief to refugees impacted by the conflict and has succeeded with the help of numerous donors from all over the world. However, due to national directives issued by the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), all foreign travel to Ukraine has been strongly discouraged, given the persistent attacks in major cities and the Russian control of southern and eastern regions. Consequently, aid operations to assist refugees in Ukraine are being conducted solely from a refugee center in Krakow, Poland.

Refugees require a wide range of necessities, including clothing, medical supplies, flashlights, temporary shelter, school supplies, children's toys, and lighting. These supplies are packaged in boxes and shipped to the neighboring cities in Poland, where local field volunteers distribute these items to the displaced persons. With each visit to Krakow, where many displaced Ukrainian refugees stay, Boyd and his team uncover additional areas where refugees require assistance.

Besides donating relief items, some humanitarian organizations focus on providing non-formal education and activities that support the psychosocial well-being of the children and foster a sense of community among the refugees. An example of an organization that stands for this cause is Drapen i Havet.

Drapen i Havet is another organization that has performed remarkable humanitarian work for Ukrainian refugees. Trude Jacobsen founded the organization in 2015 following a volunteering experience that transformed her life. Since its establishment, Drapen i Havet has had over 8,000 field workers from 70 countries who have contributed to their efforts through volunteering. These field workers comprise international and community volunteers (camp residents who volunteer alongside international field workers). Drapen i Havet's goal is to provide support to displaced individuals, with a particular focus on aiding children and their mothers.

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